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Service Alert

The Bellevue/William O. Lockridge Library is closed temporarily for major repairs to the HVAC system. Repairs are underway and the library will reopen on Thursday, July 18. 

Illustration of young Indigenous girl with flowing hair and her hand raised in a fist

From WE ARE WATER PROTECTORS by Carole Lindstrom; illustrated by Michaela Goade. Text copyright © 2020 by Carole Lindstrom. Illustrations copyright © 2020 by Michaela Goade. Reprinted by permission of Roaring Brook Press, a division of Holtzbrinck Publishing Holdings Limited Partnership. All Rights Reserved.

Beyond the Book is a literacy program centered on developing readers in kindergarten through third grade. By highlighting vibrant stories on a seasonal basis that represent the wonders of children's literature, Beyond the Book aims to inspire children and families to discover the many resources the library offers.

Join the Beyond the Book Club

Children in kindergarten through third grade across the District are invited to sign up for Beyond the Book. Your membership includes:

Author Carla Hall presents in front of a light blue screen bearing the Beyond the Book logo to a group of approximately 20 children, most of whom are raising their hands.
  • A Beyond the Book Club membership card
  • A quarterly newsletter with tips and tricks for developing readers
  • A free copy of the seasonal Featured Book and/or Activity Packet (While supplies last)
  • Exclusive invites to author talks and other fun family events
  • BONUS: Does your family have a library card? If not, caregivers can get a DC Public Library card when their child signs up for Beyond the Book!

Sign up today!

To register, visit your neighborhood library, or use the online registration form then stop by your neighborhood library to pick up your membership card.

Sign Up For Beyond the Book

Fall 2023 | We Are Water Protectors

About The Book

We Are Water Protectors book cover

Have you ever taken action to try to change something that is wrong or not a good thing to do? You defended a classmate from being bullied. You helped to clean a park or street. You asked for more healthy food from your school cafeteria. These are all actions taken to make something not good, good or better. This season, DC Public Library, is encouraging children to think about topics that impact their community. Award winning author, Carole Lindstrom, and illustrator, Michaela Goade, crafted We Are Water Protectors to empower young children to take a stand.

In We Are Water Protectors,  an Indigenous girl gathers the courage to bring together her community to protest the building of an oil pipeline through their land. Her Nokomis, the way she says grandmother, tells her that water is sacred to her family and all the living things around her. If a pipeline, called the black snake in the book, is allowed to be built it will harm her, her family, neighbors and all other living creatures. The messages from her grandmother encourage her to be passionate about preserving water. If you complete any of the activities in the new We Are Water Protectors book, please share it with us on social media using the hashtag #BeyondtheBookDC.

Check Out a Copy of We Are Water Protectors at your Neighborhood Library

About the Activity Book

Go Beyond the Book to build on your experience of reading We Are Water Protectors with fun learning activities! This delightful read explores everyone's ability to be courageous and take a stand for their community. 

Sign up for Beyond the Book at your neighborhood library to receive your very own activity book! If you complete the activity book, please send a picture of your favorite activity to or tag us on InstagramTwitter, or Facebook using the hashtag #BeyondTheBookDC.

Stream a Talk with Author Carole Lindstrom

Supporting Your Developing Reader

What is a developing reader?

A Developing Reader is someone that is learning how to use foundational reading skills and their background knowledge to understand text. A developing reader is interested in books but can’t yet read them independently or may be able to read some words but require support to convey meaning from print. Developing readers tend to be between the ages of children 5-8 that are starting their educational journey.

Developing Readers enjoy a variety of books, both fiction and nonfiction. As they gain more foundational reading skills such as the mastery of phonics and word comprehension they increasingly read books with more complex text and vocabulary words. Most excitingly, is that developing readers begin to discover that reading happens everywhere. 


How do children learn to read?

Two young children happily hold up picture books while the grown up with them smiles behind them.

There are five key important categories that are important to be successful readers. These categories are not listed in a particular order.



Fluent readers have mastered the multitasking skills of a reader’s ability to decode words and comprehend them at the same time. Fluent readers read smoothly and with expression. Read aloud to your child and listen to them read aloud. Discuss with them what a reader sounds like. Reading familiar text will help your child build their confidence as a reader and their fluency skills.


Reading Motivation

Make reading personal for your child. Children should love the things that they are reading. The more they enjoy the topic of books, the more they will want to read. Keep your child’s interest at the forefront of the reading process. Allow them to explore and pick books that appeal to their interests.



Comprehension is all about your child’s ability to understand what they are reading. It is the ability for the child to make connections with the story to their own life, make predictions, explain the story, and so much more. A developing reader’s comprehension skills can be strengthened by making observations about illustrations and discussions around the story’s plot. Repetition also makes a big difference, so make sure you reread stories and make observations about the illustrations. Have a conversation with your child about what they are reading.


A boy reads a graphic novel sitting stretched out in a circular tunnel cutout in a library bookcase.


Words are made of letters and those letters make sounds. Combined sounds make words that possess meaning. Decoding is what happens when readers put sounds together to figure out words. Practice sounding out words with your child and practicing common sound patterns they often hear. As their decoding skills grow, they will learn more about how to sound out larger words and identify more complex sound patterns such as vowel sounds and consonant blends.


Background Knowledge

This is all about what a child knows before they open the book. What is in their immediate environment that gives them access to the information presented in the text? You can build upon your child’s knowledge by teaching them new vocabulary words and introducing them to new experiences.

Developing reader tips

Three elementary aged children and an adult gather around an open picture book, with bookshelves in the background.

Developing readers have to do a lot of work as readers. This is the beginning of their journey where they will start to read not only for enjoyment but also for performance. It is important to

keep it fun while encouraging them to learn new reading skills.

Start with what the child knows and likes. Read about things that are of interest or bring joy, like sports, the arts and other activities. Think about all of the things you’ve done to help your child to enjoy the practice of reading. Keep doing those things and elevate your practice by supporting their book selections, and discussing how reading relates to life activities and experiences.

  • Pause when you are reading together and ask them questions about the story or think your thoughts out loud so they can see how you make meaning from the stories you read.
  • If your child knows the alphabet song, start to sing the song with the letter sounds versus the letter names.
  • Expand the alphabet song by finding names of things they love that match the sound or sound pattern. This can be done as you’re walking around your neighborhood.

When you are at the library, look for easy readers, speakerbooks, picture books and books of poetry. These are great kinds of books for your developing reader. Check out DC Public Library's recommended reads and resources for kids to find titles for readers of all levels!

About Beyond the Book

Beyond the Book is a literacy program centered on developing readers, children in kindergarten through third grade. By highlighting vibrant stories that represent the wonders of children's literature, Beyond the Book aims to inspire children and families to discover the many resources the library offers. DC Public Library is uniquely positioned in young readers' communities to spark their curiosity and encourage reading for fun as well as show caregivers how they are empowered to help their child grow into a confident reader. When children find the joy in reading in a supportive environment, they are better able to build the reading and learning skills they need to thrive. 

This seasonal program builds on the Books from Birth program, an initiative with Imagination Library that mails a new book each month to children in DC from birth to age 5. Beyond the Book, generously funded by the DC Public Library Foundation, is a city-wide reading and learning club that engages Books from Birth graduates as well as developing readers across DC around a carefully selected title along with fun and educational learning activities that will deepen their understanding and enjoyment of the book as well as build their reading skills. 

Audiences: Kids
From WE ARE WATER PROTECTORS by Carole Lindstrom; illustrated by Michaela Goade. Text copyright © 2020 by Carole Lindstrom. Illustrations copyright © 2020 by Michaela Goade. Reprinted by permission of Roaring Brook Press, a division of Holtzbrinck Publishing Holdings Limited Partnership. All Rights Reserved.

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