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Service Alert

The Northwest One Library closed at 5 p.m., today, Monday, July 15 due to high temperatures in the building. The Takoma Park Library closed at 6 p.m., today, Monday, July 15 due to a power outage in the area. 

The Bellevue/William O. Lockridge Library is closed temporarily for major repairs to the HVAC system. Repairs are underway and the library will reopen on Thursday, July 18. 

2023 Haiku Contest: Congratulations to this year's winning poets!

This April, DC Public Library celebrated National Poetry Month with the annual Haiku Contest! Nearly 1,000 residents ages 6 and up submitted an original haiku to their neighborhood library about something they observed or a moment in D.C., something they are grateful for, their experiences with the seasons or something small and wild. Winners were selected in the following age categories, Children (6-12), Teen (13-19) and Adult (20+). Click on each participating library below to see the winners!

Anacostia Library

Arriana | Child Winner

Mom and dad are best

They will feed and pamper me

I love them so much

De'Azia Washington | Teen Winner

Red leaves pool around

White tape cleaves the ground singing

Does justice make sound

Zion Keen | Adult Winner


My heart prepares to leap;

JUMPS - stuck behind my teeth

and on the tip of my tongue.

Capitol View Library

Gabby L. | Child Winner

DC’s cherry blossoms

Dance their scent in my nose, sniff,

I smile with joy, Spring.

Rejinae Mewborn | Teen Winner

I have done a lot today

As much as I can do today

Maybe tomorrow will be productive

Charles Randolph | Adult Winner

DC, Maryland & Virginia

built on a swamp, hills looking like mountain tops

mountain tops, with views

Cleveland Park Library

Asher F. | Child Spanish Language Winner

La flor bonita

que el sol calienta,

bebe el agua.

Emma B. | Child Spanish Language Winner

La noche negra

en un mundo bonito

brillan estrellas.

Stephanie M. | Child Spanish Language Winner

La noche negra

fue fría y miedosa,

vienen los lobos.

Jack O. | Child Winner

Hard-to-solve puzzles

One by one until it's done

Connect pieces--click!

Julia P. | Child Winner

D.C. spring time shines

Majestic cherry trees bloom

azaleas compete

Nadia W. | Child Winner

I love my tree

It is beautiful

It is the best tree

Alisson H. | Teen Winner


Delicate tulips

Blooming in primavera

By the Potomac

Mea P. | Teen winner

a rosy petal

comes flying into my view

And sits on my nose

Cait G. | Adult Winner

Winds swirling, blooms fall

Pink snow drifting past train cars

Landing at my feet

Randi K. | Adult Winner

They say peonies

droop their heads in shame. I think

beauty makes them shy.

Stephanie S. | Adult Winner

Achoo! Still, I sniff

Inhaling life and laughter

Blooming, like tulips

Scott B. | Adult Winner

Winds bending the branch

Dredging through, spring exploding

Cherry blossom bursts

Francis A. Gregory Library

Tova H. | Child Winner

Flowers bloom in the rain

Soul blooms with an idea

Babies born with soul

Shaia H. | Child Winner


The flowers start to bloom

Birds fly toward the horizon

Cycle of the sky

Caden R. | Child Winner

"Inside Out"

Inside, it is white.

I am Black; My soul is pure.

I love the outside!

Crystal Rogers | Teen Winner


A branch crunches down

in the damp soil, blossoming;

The trees awaken.

Chyann Wicker | Teen Winner

"My Pride Haiku"

Wow. I’m really proud

Marching boots costume and all.

My first. Standing tall

Julie Rones | Adult Winner

We must know what connects

Us to our past so we can

Crystallize our future!

Aressa V. Williams | Adult Winner

Good health, laughter, peace

Free gifts to a grateful heart

Armor for the soul

Georgetown Library

Ingrid K. | Child Winner

Speeding through the grass

Bushy tail twitching, he springs

The acorn is caught

Isabelle P. | Child Staff Favorite

You arch your branches -

In gentle yet solemn song -

A weeping willow

Maddie G. | Child Staff Favorite

The dark and cold sky.

The sound of water falling fast.

Lightning shining light.

Alice | Child Staff Favorite

When you hear something

deep inside the woods listen!

Tiny squirrel is near

Soham Joshi | Teen Winner

Memories of green

Fade away as the sun dims

Scarlet trees now reign

Margaret Torrey | Teen Staff Favorite

These words are my home

These books take away my fears

With them, I'm at home

Anna Lim | Teen Staff Favorite

in the night, rat paws

swarm sidewalks, brick roads, sewers

determined to live

Alessandra Viteri | Teen Staff Favorite

The sky turns grey

A window shakes, raindrops fall

beauty in the storm

Reagan Smith | Adult Winner

A silent greeting

On my early morning walk

My neighbor, the fox

E. Stahl | Adult Staff Favorite

A rat on the street

Pink blossoms swirl through the air

Petals brush his nose

Mary Otto | Adult Staff Favorite

Father gone but the wind

chime repaired with his fishing

line stirs in the breeze.

Julie Day | Adult Staff Favorite

Old brick rowhouses

Painted in many colors

Line my walk to work

Dan Sanclemente | Adult Spanish Language Winner

Viento me da paz

Sacude mis problemas

Y me renuevo

Lamond-Riggs/Lillian J. Huff Library

Ozioma A. | Child Winner

Allergies, they’re here

Pollen and bees, they are near

Allergies, Please go!

Lila | Child Winner


Owls go up, the sun goes down

Dreams are beautiful

Irena (Reeny) P. | Child Winner

Blue glimmering sea

Sun sets over the world

The moon rises slow

Katie | Teen Winner

Isn’t it lovely?

Blossoms blooming, the warm Sun

And to think summers just begun

Kevin Hackbarth | Adult Winner

In the dark loamy soil,

While forsaken food decays,

On wiggles the worm

Linda Olson Gray | Adult Winner

Always there, my mom.

When she died, I felt numb, lost

Time fades not her pull

Christina Echeverría Chen | Adult Spanish Language Winner

Always there, my mom.

When she died, I felt numb, lost

Time fades not her pull

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library

Carina A | Child Winner

Always there for me

Kindness and hope on my side

Grateful for her love

Elisa K | Child Winner

Beautiful blossoms

Bursting, growing, thriving, joy

Welcome spring flowers

Taylor | Child Winner

Be a bird like me

Lovely and free like me

Free lovely and free

Logan | Child Winner

Waves lapping the shore

So many shells in soft sand

Hidden coral found

Javeigh Hutchins | Teen Winner

Pretty pink flowers

Cherry blossoms in the air

The flowers in my hair

Sophia Hall | Teen Winner

rock creek park

hum of traffic silenced

softened by snow

Sophia Hall | Teen Winner

The breeze pull petals

away from a tree's flowers.

They lie on grey ground.

Elanor Lantner | Teen Winner

Bright bold splash of red

Robin in pastel petals

Spring is here at last.

Claire Gorman | Adult Winner

Plump bellies jiggling

Small toes run across loud streets

Whiskered rodent fleet

Timo Freeman | Adult Winner

The glowing chochin

Swinging in the spring night wind

Turns petals into snow

Jorge Araujo | Adult Winner

Mother of my child

Source of love and nourishment

Blessed be your night.

Antonia Balazs | Adult Winner

Moon and Monument

Capitol blushes facing

Walk through light and dark

Mt. Pleasant Library

Henry H. | Child Winner

Cherry blossoms bloom

What a dazzling display

Washington in spring

Isabella E. | Child Winner

The sun shines on me

When walking surrounded

By cherry blossoms in spring

Julian J. | Child Winner

The streaming water

Falling down the waterfall

Crashing the surface

Keyla L. | Child Winner

I admire the view

Waves splashing and boats floating

It’s all magical

Logan B. | Child Winner

Sometimes life is hard

So enjoy the times you like

And life can be sweet

Mina R. | Child Winner

Coolness fills the air

Scarves and sweaters everywhere

Fall weather is near

Valeria G. | Child Winner

The sun pours herself

Into the sea and the world

Overflows with light

Mekdelawit | Teen Winner

Spring was never the

Cause of our happiness

Our love for it was

Jennifer Dusenberry | Adult Winner

roses, violets

nature celebrates in blooms

across the city

Anne Marie Wells | Adult Winner

Cherry blossoms light

even the darkest alleys

with their confetti.

Jackie L | Adult Winner

A sea of humans

Swirling between the blossoms

Strangers yet the same

Aru | Adult Winner

Oh hello butterfly

Interrupting my reverie

With hope

Ryan Greenstein | Adult Winner

Gentle rushing stream

Beavers build, deer stare, lions roar

Ruckus of rock creek

Chad Dexter Kinsman | Adult Winner

Green green all around

Every year the same return

What has changed is me

Charlie Malloy | Adult Winner

Where family is

Doesn’t matter where or when

There is always love

Ella Rosenberg | Adult Winner

Wind blows through the city

Scattering petal carpets

Gone are the cherries

Helen Hubbard-Davis | Adult Winner

Rose pink, milky white

Flower petal glow at dusk

What comes next? I ask

Michelle Harburg | Adult Winner

Crickets singing joy

Grass dancing wild in the wind

A nature party

Northeast Library

Evalyn B. | Child Winner

Small, feisty, fearless

Squishy-belly follows me

Fair-haired dictator

Sebastian | Child Winner

I see the blossoms

Even the tiniest bud

Will be a flower

Abby S. | Teen Winner

The trees are quiet

The flowers don’t ever speak

But we hear their songs

Lucy Watkins | Teen Winner

Flowers burning bright

The tall white pillar standing

With fifty flags around

Cole Rinner | Adult Winner

Paw prints in the snow

The cherry blossoms will fall

And the cats will play

Bob Dardano | Adult Winner

Logan Circle cracks

with footsteps and bocce balls

across the acorns

Lisa Turner | Adult Winner

Squeak, squeak go my shoes

Everyone stares as I pass.

Still, I love the rain!

Casey Hellman | Adult Winner

Tiny does not mean

tame. I have known ants with more

moxie than lions.

Palisades Library

Victoria A. | Child Winner

In the dark night sky

Beautiful, glimmering specks

A constellation

Renata G. | Child Winner

The river runs fast

To the ocean clear and blue

Just for me and you

Sienna A. | Child Funniest Haiku

Powdery amber

Floating through the crystal skies

Ah Ah Ah Ahchoo!

Callie Solomon | Teen Winner

Green grass blows in wind

Pink buds grow into flowers

Blue water sparkles

Cleopatra Alexander | Adult Winner

Lincoln looking gaunt

Continues to offer solace

To those who look up

Tanisha Payne | Adult Winner

Woke up Saturday

Went in to print documents

Fayeth was a great help!



Petworth Library

Annika D. | Child Winner

A scurrying squirrel

Fighting and playing all day

On the walnut tree

Rafael Hernandez | Teen Winner

The earthquakes birth me

We, the waves, begin to grow.

The deep disappears

Amir Blissett | Adult Winner

Feel the sun birds sing

vocals traveling the air

Just so we can hear

Rosa Maria de Ibarra | Adult Spanish Language Winner

Tu llenas mi ser

Con tu amor todo es

Tus labios mi paz

Southeast Library

Lila R. | Child Winner

The leaves are green here,

In Washington I can hear:

Squawk, tweet, coo. Listen

August R. | Child Runner-Up

Cormorant funny

You make me laugh when you dive

Could you share your fish?

Kate M. | Child Runner-Up

It’s cherry season

Petals fall like spring snow

Blanket of pale pink

Ariana A. | 2nd Grade Winner, Brent Elementary School

Banana ate grape

With suspense and happiness

For him and his heart

Sybil O. | 2nd Grade Runner-Up, Brent Elementary School

This is a bad day

The squirrels are freaking me out

Bird poops on my head

Harper S. | 2nd Grade Runner-Up, Brent Elementary School

The wind blows so far

It brushes against my hair

The wind is so cold

Calla J. | 3rd Grade Winner, Brent Elementary School

Shiny shells and waves

And secrets now washed away

The oceans are back

Aurora R. and Charlotte H. (co-authored) | 3rd Grade Runner-Up, Brent Elementary School

Seasons come and go

Bringing sunshine, rain, and snow

Things die and things grow

Lynden K. | 3rd Grade Runner-Up, Brent Elementary School

Oh, cherry blossoms

Bringing joy to all who pass

Tickled softly pink

Alejandra S. | 4th Grade Winner, Brent Elementary School

Flowers glistening

Petals shine with morning dew

And the world turns pink

Aleena F. | 4th Grade Runner-Up, Brent Elementary School

Flowers glistening

Petals shine with morning dew

And the world turns pink

Kate F. | 4th Grade Runner-Up, Brent Elementary School

During springtime it’s warm

Cherry blossoms cover the city

Rain becomes puddles

Portland Range | Teen Winner

We left the playground

On an unexpected walk

As the sun burned me

Harshi Hettige | Adult Winner

Hair curls stems unfurl

One drop splashes an eyelash

Offers a fresh view

Tate Crowards | Adult Runner-Up

Velvet and supple

Dew drops, light breeze, soft perfume

Life of a petal

Edith Zelaya | Adult Runner-Up

Frasier my hero

Caught a mouse in your mouth

I should bow to you

Southwest Library

Nicholas Woolston | Child Winner

Flowers seem so bright

blooming and so full of life

then they blow away

Lyndze Jenkins | Teen Winner

Peak a boo, I see

how her trees are mellow and free

Speak to me with glee

Cassandra Folmar | Adult Winner

Sticks slap ice, puck slides

Pass it to Ovecheckin kssh . . .

Ahh. Crowds roar, ears buzz.

Laura Singer | Adult Winner

"Something I'm Grateful For"

I beat the system.

No foster care to Prison.

My mentors saved me.

Aaron Morgan | Adult Winner

Night at the Monument

Love blossoms a moment captured

Two hands together

Tenley-Friendship Library

Ellie V. | Child Winner

A shining puddle

Wrath from the sky and planet

The start of new life

An Chi Ngo | Teen Winner

Pink petals falling,

Softly landing on the ground,

Spring's fleeting beauty.

Wendy Jordan | Adult Winner

Rabbits bound, birds soar

Buds burst open to the sun

Spring uncoils like wire

Shaw/Watha T. Daniel Library

Waverly H. | Child Winner

A great time for kites

the spring--cold, windy, cherry

blossoms bloom here.

Ignacio Martinez | Teen Winner

As the sky grows dark

DC glows with vibrant hues

Never seems to sleep

Ania Zolyniak | Adult Winner

Total traffic halt

An imperial procession

A duck on 17th

West End Library

Mizuki | Child Winner

The beautiful birds

There are lots of them who chirp

Flying in the sun.

Avery Dennison | Teen Winner

Your essence could not

Be a perfume, without you

Blossoms did not bloom.

Julia Hand | Adult Winner

Do you think it hurts

When spring petals stretch to bloom?

What a sacrifice.

Audiences: All Ages
Type: Stories