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Service Alert

The Northwest One Library closed at 5 p.m., today, Monday, July 15 due to high temperatures in the building. The Takoma Park Library closed at 6 p.m., today, Monday, July 15 due to a power outage in the area. 

The Bellevue/William O. Lockridge Library is closed temporarily for major repairs to the HVAC system. Repairs are underway and the library will reopen on Thursday, July 18. 

by Tiara Crutchfield. This was originally published 3/16/21.

When people think of D.C. everyone thinks of politicians, museums, and monuments. Obviously, growing up here we see way more than that. We see the heart of the city. D.C. culture is full of wonderful music, food, slang, people, and fashion. When people think of fashionable places, they often think of New York or California, or Miami. Since people think of D.C. as such a place for politicians or lawmakers, of course, people wouldn’t think that people in D.C. would have a sense of style. I mean, politicians are all about suits and ties and briefcases. But, tourists don’t really see the heart of D.C. when they are here. Besides the historical portion of D.C., the heart of D.C. is the street culture. Like GoGo music that created a whole movement in our city these past few years, many D.C brands have created a distinctive style that D.C. can call their own. From older clothing brands from the 80s that are still going to up and coming brands that are generated to the youth. 

One older D.C. brand is Solbatio Sport. Solbatio Sport was founded in 1979 and is based in the shopping district of Georgetown. Solbatio Sport is famous for its innovative designs specifically, streetwear. Solbatio Sport puts their own taste on sport and streetwear. By the use of colors and unique designs, this brand stands out and has definitely influenced other clothing brands in D.C. 

(Image via instagram; @eatthebrand) 


Another wonderful D.C. brand is EAT. EAT was founded by Malik Jarrett. EAT is an acronym for “Elevate All The Time”. EAT specializes in shirts, accessories such as; hats, socks, keychains, and belts. EAT shirts have a unique and very distinctive style by placing the logo upside down on the shirts. Not only is the EAT brand a clothing line but it takes pride in philanthropy and giving back to the community. Established in 2017, EAT Cares Inc. was established to mentor youth as well as uplift the community.                                                                                                            

(Image via Instagram: @projectdreamzz) 

A newer clothing brand in D.C., Project Dreamz, has generated and sparked more attention towards teens and the younger generation. Founded around a year ago, Project Dreamz has definitely already made its presence in D.C. fashion known. With the use of color-block hoodies, something totally unique and different, they have caught the eyes of many. Not only do the color-block hoodies draw attention, but their creative logo makes sure you remember their name. 

Now, these were just a few of the brands that D.C. has to offer. D.C. has started to become a place for small businesses, making new brands and clothing lines here very much welcomed. We even have teenagers and children starting their brands and making their mark on the fashion that D.C. has to offer. To support and explore the brands that D.C. has you can go on Instagram or Twitter and use the hashtag #dcbusiness or #dmvbusiness to explore some more brands. You can also attend popup shops in the DMV area to support and purchase from these brands.  

Into fashion? Check out these books with your library card!

Fashion in LA edited by Tania Fares and Krista Smith 

Audiences: Teens
Topic: Teen Talk
Type: Stories